Discover Why Mastering The Art Of Storytelling Makes You More Credible And Believable With Any Audience
Premier talent coach reveals how the magnetic power of storytelling enables you to keep your audience engaged, enthused and mesmerized – and coming back for more.
In 1748, the British politician and aristocrat John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, spent a lot of his free time playing cards. He greatly enjoyed eating a snack while playing, but found it difficult to keep one hand free for the cards.
So he came up with the idea to place beef between slices of bread, which enabled him to eat and play cards at the same time.
That’s how the sandwich came into existence and became one of the most popular meal inventions in the Western world.
And if you’re reading this story for the first time, it’s unlikely you’ll forget the origin of the sandwich. That’s a demonstration of the power of stories.
How important is mastering the art of storytelling to a potential broadcaster or podcaster? It’s an essential skill for keeping your listeners engaged in your show, and coming back for more.
Matter of fact, multiple studies revealed that when stories are used to teach, listeners learn faster and have a higher retention rate than when just hearing bland facts and figures.
Now transfer the power of stories to your broadcasting or podcasting audience. As premier broadcasting talent coach Larry Gifford says, “Storytelling ability makes the difference between a good and a great broadcaster.”
For that reason, Gifford has developed a carefully thought-out system of improving your storytelling skills. He uses it to help his clients achieve outstanding success. And now, he’s committed it to a remarkable 32 minute video “The Art of Storytelling” which enables Broadcasters Mentoring Group to bring the Gifford method to our wider audience for the first time.
Download and view the video and you can expect to master all of the following:
- Secrets to becoming a memorable storyteller
- What makes for a great story
- 13 traits of an unforgettable story
- The value of setting a theme (along with a list of more than 100 successfully used themes around which to build your stories.)
- The elements of the story arc and how to use them.
- How to spice up your stories with memorable details, metaphors, humor, emotional language and dynamic audio elements.
- Why appealing to the imagination enhances learning
- Why storytelling makes you more trustworthy and believable
- How storytelling helps you to connect with your audience and bring them back again and again.
When implementing these little-known storytelling techniques into your own show or podcast, your listeners will find your message to be far more interesting and believable, all because you knew how to appeal to the power of their imagination.
This one time $77 investment into your professional development enables you to create more memorable and trustworthy programming through the power of mesmerizing storytelling that will keep your audience coming back for more.
Included with this instructional video are supplemental training materials to further enhance your learning, which can be immediately downloaded to your computer or other device.
To receive this unique program, and to do so with BMG’s long tradition of customer service and satisfaction, simply click below for immediate download and delivery.
Insights Into The Art Of Storytelling
Regular price $49.00